Synaxis of All the Saints of Switzerland

Monk martyr Meinrad (also: Meginrad or Megimad) († 861)
The Reichenau heiromonk Meinrad became a hermit on the Etzel-Pass south of Lake Zurich. Because of the great onslaught of people seeking advice, he withdrew even further into the forest - to the place where Einsiedeln Abbey stands today. Meinrad practiced strict asceticism and passed on the many presents he had received from grateful pilgrims to the poor in the area. Nevertheless, he was murdered by robbers n the hope of rich booty after offering them hospitality. He is therefore considered the “martyr of hospitality”. His feast day is January 21 (February 3).
Troparion (Tone 8e): You left behind your noble birth, / and renounced the world for God, / to seek His peace in ascesis. / You gave up your life and found the kingdom. / holy monk-martyr Meinrad // pray to God for our souls.
Place of pilgrimage for all the saints on this page: Einsiedeln
Hierarch Benno, Bishop of Metz († 940)
The Swabian nobleman Benno became a hermit in Einsiedeln and is considered the founder of the monastery there together with St. Eberhard. In 927 he was appointed bishop of Metz by Henry I, but was blinded by opponents of the king and retired to Einsiedeln in 929. Memorial day is August 3 (16).
Troparion (Tone 5): You walked towards the kingdom of heaven, first as a monk, then you were made bishop in order to reestablish the church in the diocese of Metz. Wicked people blinded and mutilated you, but you forgave them and became a monk again. Saint Benno, who are kind, pray to God for our souls!
Venerable Eberhard von Einsiedeln († 958)
The Swabian nobleman Eberhard was initially provost at the cathedral in Strasbourg, but then moved to Einsiedeln with his brother Benno. There he united the hermits living in the dark forest to form the Einsiedeln monastery, in which he and Benno invested their entire fortune. Eberhard became the first abbot of the new monastery. His feast day is August 14 (27).
Troparion (Tone 6): Son of Swabia and priest in the city of Strasbourg, you joined Saint Benno when he went into the desert, and he persuaded you to leave this vain world. So you set about completing the building of the monastery, of which you then became abbot. Saint Eberhard, ask Christ to have mercy on us!
Venerable Gregory of Einsiedeln († 996)
Gregory was the third abbot at Einsiedeln Abbey. He managed to increase the monastery's property significantly. In addition, his treatise on monastic life had a lasting influence on monasticism in southern Germany. His feast day is November 8th (21st).
Troparion (Tone 5): Although you were a glorious scion of England, you first became a monk in the city of Rome before finally settling in Einsiedeln. Because of your piety you became abbot of the monastery, and your holy relics work wonders. Saint Gregory, ask Christ to save our souls!
Venerable Thietland of Zurich and Einsiedeln († 964/966)
Thietland was dean at the Grossmünster in Zurich and later a monk at the Einsiedeln monastery. He was elected abbot of Einsiedeln as successor to the founding abbot Eberhard. He obtained immunity from Emperor Otto for the monastery and the right to elect abbots. His interpretation of Paul's letters has been handed down to us. His feast day is May 28 (June 10).
Troparion (Tone 3): In Einsiedeln you led a pious life before you returned to the kingdom of God. Through asceticism, prayer and fasting, you helped the abbot of the holy monastery to raise his spiritual sheep. Venerable Thietland, pray to God to save our souls!