Synaxis of All the Saints of Switzerland

Martyr Sigismund, King of the Burgundians († 524)
Sigismund led his kingdom from Arianism to Orthodoxy. In 515 he founded the Abbey of Saint Maurice in Agaunum. Beset more and more by internal and external enemies, he wanted to retire to the abbey, but was defeated by Closimir, king of the Franks. Because he and his family fell into a well in Coulmiers, Sigismund is revered as a martyr. Sigismund was buried in St. John's Chapel of Saint Maurice Abbey. His feast day is May 1st (14th).
Troparion (Tone 4): O Holy King and Martyr Sigismund, by your example you lead us on the path of repentance and show us the mercy of Christ. You open the gates of paradise for us and lead us home into the arms of the loving Father. Pray for us to the Father of Mercy that He grants salvation to our souls!
Place of pilgrimage: St. Maurice
St. Klothilde, Queen of the Franks († 545)
Klothilde grew up with her uncle in Geneva and became the wife of Clovis, King of the Franks, whom she converted to the Orthodox faith. She thus played a decisive role in the fact that the Frankish kingdom did not profess the Arianism that was common among the Germanic tribes at the time. Her feast day is June 3rd (16th).
Troparion (Tone 1): Being Clovis's wife, whom you converted, you became a widow and saw your sons tear each other apart. Then you withdrew to Tours to the tomb of the holy Bishop Martin and ended your life in the peace of the Lord. Saint Queen Klothilde, pray to Him for our salvation.
Hierarch John of Arbon († around 650)
Johannes was a Rhaetian and initially a deacon in Grabs, where Gall met him on his flight from Tuggen. John became Gall most keen student. In 615, he became Bishop of Constance. No special feast day.
Hierarch Ragnacharius (also: Raganachar or Rachanas), Bishop of Basel († 7th century)
Ragnacharius was a student of Eustasius of Luxeuil and a messenger of the faith of the Raurians. Ragnacharius was bishop of Augst and Basel in the 7th century. His feast day is March 29 (April 11).
Troparion (Tone 5): While working for the worldly glory of the Lord, you haveapproached the kingdom of God. As a monk of the great Columbanus in Luxeuil, you left the monastery at the Lord's call to occupy the cathedra of Basel. Saint Ragnacharius, pray to God for our salvation.
Hierarch Theodul (also Theodor), first bishop of Octodurum († 391)
Theodul was the first bishop of Octodurum (Martigny) in Valais and an acquaintance of St. Ambrose of Milan. There is evidence that he took part in the synod of Aquileia in 381 and probably in Milan in 389/390. He found the bones of the Holy Martyrs of the Theban Legion and had a basilica built for them in Agaunum. His feast day is August 16 (29).
Troparion (Tone 1): O ye faithful, let us sing the praises of the hierarch Theodul. He proclaimed the faith in Christ in this country, he found the relics of the holy martyrs and had a church built for them in Agaunum. Through his fervent supplications and prayers before the throne of the Most High, may God grant our souls to be saved.
Place of pilgrimage: Sitten / Sion
Hierarch Salonius, Bishop of Geneva († 475)
Salonius was the son of St. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyon. Educated on the island of Lérins, he became Bishop of Geneva. As such, he is attested as a participant in some councils and synods in Gaul. Salonius was a gifted spiritual writer; among his works is a notable commentary on Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. His feast day is September 28 (October 11).
Troparion (4th tone): At age ten, you went to Lérins and laboured under the guidance of Saint Honorat; Saints Hilarius and Vincent you had as masters. You were the hierarch of the city of Geneva and led the Church with great wisdom. Saint Salonius, pray to the Lord Christ for our souls!
Hierarch Felix, first bishop of Como († 4th century)
Felix was a friend of St. Ambrose of Milan, who praised him for his missionary efforts and ordained him the first bishop of Como in 386. His feast day is July 14 (27).
Venerable Amatus (also: Amé or Amet), Abbot of Remiremont († 627)
Born into a noble family from Grenoble, Amatus came to the monastery of St. Maurice at the age of ten, where he attended the monastery school and later became a monk and priest. Before he went to the Luxeuil monastery, he lived in Valais for a few years as a hermit in asceticism. He later became abbot of Remiremont. Memorial Day is September 13 (26).
Troparion (4th tone): From childhood, you lived in the holy monastery where the relics of the martyrs of Agaunum rest. As a hermit, you climbed up to the Grotte du Scex before going to Luxeuil and Remiremont to found new communities. Holy Amatus, pray Christ to have mercy on us!
Hierarch Abundius (also: Abbondio or Abundantius), Bishop of Como († 4th / 5th century)
Abundius was born in Thessalonica and was the fourth bishop of Como. As such, he attended the first Council of Constantinople and played an active role as the representative of Leo the Great at the Council of Chalcedon. His feast day is April 2nd (15th).