Synaxis of All the Saints of Switzerland

Martyrs of the Theban Legion († 286/288)
Under the Emperor Maximian, the legion was ordered from Thebes to Gaul to quell a revolt. In Agaunum in Valais, the Christian soldiers refused to make the prescribed sacrifices and to participate in the persecution of Christians. The emperor ordered a decimation, but because of the steadfastness of the Christian legionnaires, this had to be continued until the whole legion had suffered martyrdom. The Territorial Abbey of St. Maurice is located on the site of their graves. Their feast day is September 22 (October 5).
The following saints, known by name, can be found on the icon:
Martyr Mauritius (Maurice), Commander of the Legion.
Martyrs Tyrsus, Liberius, Antoninus and Candidus, officers of the legion
Troparion (Tone 4): Soldier of Christ, You fought a good battle, You refused to pursue the innocent any further. With your companions you gave your life rather than give up your Christian faith. O holy Mauritius, implore the Lord to grant us His great mercy.
Place of pilgrimage: St. Maurice
Prayers to Saint Martyr Mauritius and his Companions
Martyrs Victor and Ursus, Legion officers
Legion officers who managed to flee to Solothurn with a few centuries, but were found there and suffered martyrdom. Their feast day is September 30 (October 13).
Troparion (Tone 6): As survivors of the Theban Legion from Agaunum, you went to preach Christ to all those caught in pagan darkness. Seized by the tyrant and sentenced to death, you were martyred on the banks of the River Aar. Saint Urs and Saint Victor with companions, pray Christ for our souls!
Place of pilgrimage: Solothurn
Martyr Vincentius, Veteran of the Theban Legion
He received Ursus and Viktor in Solothurn and suffered martyrdom with them. Memorial Day is September 30 (October 13).
Place of pilgrimage: Solothurn