Synaxis of All the Saints of Switzerland
All Saints of Switzerland, Pray to God for us!
Dear brothers and sisters
Since 2013, the Swiss parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad have been celebrating the feast of the Assembly of all the Saints of Switzerland on the third Sunday in September (the Federal Day of Repentance and Prayer). In 2016, the Swiss parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) followed suit. The festival includes all Swiss saints venerated in the Orthodox Church - saints from the first millennium and contemporary Orthodox saints connected to our country.
The Russian Orthodox Church of the Resurrection dedicated its 85th anniversary to these saints in 2021. The aim was to make known our Swiss saints and their places of worship. Moreover, since most of these saints are part of the undivided Church of the first millennium, this endeavour connects us with our western brothers and sisters. Such an “ecumene of the saints” is a particular joy for us, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank our western brothers and sisters for their joyful reception of our undertaking and their active help in collecting the data.
On this homepage, you will find short descriptions of the lives of the saints together with prayers and hymns, as far as they are available (all troparia and kontakia in German). You will also find information on their places of worship known to us: where you can venerate their relics, where they served God etc. All information is also available in printed form - icons, v itas and pilgrim passports (in German, Russian and French) - which you can purchase at the virtual or real church kiosk of the Church of the Resurrection in Zurich. This allows you to visit the places of worship of our saints only with your pilgrim passport and a mobile phone. You can also have your visit confirmed with a stamp in many places. We encourage you to explore the rich legacy of the great host of our saints and to venerate them as the fruits of God's grace in our land.
Wondrous is God in His saints!
Your Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection